About our people

WATSAN was formed 2002 in the wake of Water Aid’s withdrawal from South West Uganda, in favour of developing new projects in new areas. The charity has two main components:

The UK trustees and fundraising team

The Ugandan project team

The UK team provide the financial and infrastructure support so that the Ugandan project team can carry out much-needed water and sanitation projects on the ground.  Five of us have a track record in Uganda, either in teaching or as qualified water engineers.

As part of their mission to share God’s love in practical ways, the Ugandan project team, which is based in the Anglican dioceses of North Kigezi and Kinkiizi, manage an integrated project for drinking water supply, hygiene education and sanitation improvements. The project aims to help rural communities in the districts of Rukungiri and Kanungu, irrespective of creed or allegiance, to improve their quality of life by providing local access to good quality water services, hence encouraging social and economic development.

Find out more about our mission, vision and values

About the area

Map of Uganda showing Rukungiri and Kanungu districts in the south west cornerUganda is in East Africa, on the equator, 4,000 miles from UK. This part of Africa is dominated by Lake Victoria, which is half the size of England. With a population of 34 million people, Uganda has half the number of residents as the UK in an area of similar size to the UK.

WATSAN works in two districts in the South West, an area about the size of Oxfordshire: about 600 square miles. It has a population of around 550,000 people, almost all of them living in a rural setting as subsistence smallholders.

Find out more about our projects and why they are needed

WATSAN Uganda, UK Support, registered charity number 1123803